Deutsch Intern
Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education

Incoming Students

Application Procedure

Students at our partner universities are invited, to apply for an ERASMUS semester at University of Würzburg. The application of incoming students ist organized by our partner universities. Ther ERASMUS Interinstitutional Agreements are always signed for certain subjects.  Please contact the departmental coordinators at our partner university for the application. 

The following selection criteria are recommended to the partner universities for the selection of students (SMS): 

  • Study phase and fit of the study subject (students in higher semesters and students very close to the subject are selected with priority): 30%
  • Academic performance, volunteerism: 40% (students with very good academic performance and high volunteerism will be prioritized)
  • Demonstrated financial need: 30% (students with financial need will be prioritized)

All applicantion should be scored so that an order is developed,  what can help to achieve the goal of requiring 50% students with special needs
As courses at University of Würzburg mainly take part in German or in English, language skills either in German or in English at least on level B2 are advised.
Gender distribution among the participants is monitored in order to enforce equality criteria. Aim is equal participation of women and men
All partner universities are encouraged to implement measures to recruit groups of participants with special needs (especially participants with disabilities, chronic illnesses and students with children)

Beyond the 171-Partnerhsip, University of Würzburg has also ERASMUS-Partnerhsips with programme countries. Therefore, please have a look at the  Homepage of our International Office.


All modules and lectures, offered by University of Würzburg can be found at the digital lecture catalogue WueStudy. You have an overview of the modules, which are offered regularily. Each year in June (for winter term) and January (for summer term), concrete seminar titles of the modules will be available. 

You can use the advanced search for selecting the language of the modules and the lectures.

Some subjects have developed an overview over the modules, which are frequently offered in English.


education for special needs

protestant religion



In mathematics, all Master lecutres are offered in English (see WueStudy).
At the Bachelor studies, the following courses are offered in English:
1. Mathematical Foundations of Data Science by Prof. Bungert
2. Modeling and Computational Sceince by Prof. Borzi

Remote Sensing/Geography

1. Applications of Earth Observation

2. Introduction to Remote sensing and Geoanalysis

3. Introduction to Programming in Earth Observation

4. Introduction to Active remote sensing systems

5. Introduction to Spatial data analysis software

Language Courses and Intercultural Courses

There are several programmes, which are offered to students of all faculties.

German as Second Language

INSIGHTS (Interdisciplinary Studies in German History, Tradition and Society)

Global Systems and Intercultural Competences

Virtual Exchange of the Career Centre

Financial Support

ERASMUS KA 171 (Projec Year 2023)

Individual Support for Long-Term Mobilities of Students (minimum two months)
Monthly rate for Incoming Students:  850 Euro/month
Social Top up: 250 Euro/month

Individual Support for Short-Term Mobilities of Students (5-30 days)
Daily support (day 1-14): 79 Euro/day
Daily support (day 15-30): 56 Euro/day
Social Top up: once 100 Euro (until 14 days); once 150 Euro (15-30 days)

Additionally, students receive a travel allowance, depending on the distance and the ecology of the used transport system.

ERASMUS KA 171 (Projekt Year 2024)

Individual Support for Long-Term Mobilities of Students (minimum two months)
Monthly rate for Incoming Students:  900 Euro/month
Social Top up: 250 Euro/month

Individual Support for Short-Term Mobilities of Students (5-30 days)
Daily support (day 1-14): 79 Euro/day
Daily support (day 15-30): 56 Euro/day
Social Top up: once 100 Euro (until 14 days); once 150 Euro (15-30 day)

Additionally, students receive a travel allowance, depending on the distance and the ecology of the used transport system.


Enrolment as student at University of Würzburg request a health insurance. You receive further information concerning the health insurance during the Pre-First-Step-Meeting. All nominated students will receive an invitation to this meeting.

Further information about insurances can be found at the homepage ot our International Office as well as on the sites of Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdientes.

Moreover, we advise you to also book a liability insurance which is valid for your stay in Germany.


Please be aware, that all students wihout an EU or an EWR citizenship have to apply for a students' vis. Therefore, you will receive an invistation letter of University of Würzburg, which refers to the ERASMUS-scholarship. Please apply for a passport immediately after your nomination. As issuing visas taks a lot of time, it is necessary to contact the German Embassy in your home country immediately after you have received the invitation letter. 

Please note, that it is only possible to enrol at University of Würzburg as Exchange student only with a student visa. E

Furhter information are also provided at the website of the International Offices.

Online Language Support (OLS)

The ERASMUS-Programm offers all participants the possibility to study European languages before, during and after the mobility at the eu|academy. You can participate in language tests and language courses in all 24 official EU languages. Additionally, language tests and language courses are available for Icelandic, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian and Turkish.

Here you can find a Short Instruction about OLS. Acess can be generated over an EU-Login. Over this link participants can go directly to OLS.

Process of the Mobility

  • You can find out about available places on the homepage of the subject coordinator at your home university.
  • After applying and being selected, you will be nominated by the subject coordinator at your home university by the end of September (for the summer semester) and mid-March (for the winter semester) at the ERASMUS 171 Coordination Office in Würzburg.
  • Please apply for a passport and obtain information from the German Embassy about the conditions for issuing a student visa.
  • You will receive an information package from the ERASMUS Coordination Office in Würzburg, which you send back to us (including application for a German tax number, consent to the processing of your data, travel declaration, social top-up declaration, certificate of enrolment, health insurance)
  • You draw up the Learning Agreement together with the Würzburg subject coordinator and the subject coordinator at your home university.
  • You will receive an invitation to register on Move-On and formally apply for an ERASMUS stay.
  • You will receive an invitation to an online pre-step meeting in which we will explain the procedure for the preparation phase.
  • You will receive a letter of admission to participate in the exchange program at the University of Würzburg.
  • You will receive a Grant AGreement for your stay, which you send by post to the ERASMUS 171 Coordination Office in Würzburg by June 1 (for the winter semester) or by December 15 (for the winter semester).
  • You apply to the Studierendenwerk of the University of Würzburg for a place in a hall of residence and transfer the deposit and rent prepayment of 1000 euros by June 15 (for the winter semester) or January 15 (for the summer semester).
  • You will be invited to an online meeting in which you will be assisted with your enrollment at the University of Würzburg.
  • If you are planning to take part in a language course in September or March, apply for the language course.
  • Before you arrive in Würzburg, book an appointment at the city hall to register after your arrival in Würzburg.
  • After your arrival, we will invite you to a first-step meeting at the Würzburg campus.
  • You will receive the first installment payment in cash the week after your arrival.
  • You open a bank account and receive the ERASMUS funding on your bank account from the second rate.
  • You introduce yourself to the Würzburg subject coordinator and register for the courses with them.
  • You can update the learning agreement during the mobility.
  • After the mobility, you will receive a Transcript of Records. At your home university, you apply for recognition of the examination results.
  • After the mobility, you submit an experience report to us and report on your experiences in an EU survey.
  • You will receive the final rate of your funding.