Past activities
From September 29th to October 11th 2019 the third Autumn School took place at Delhi University, India. Five students from the University of Würzburg participated during their Master's studies. The Autumn School offered Workshops, group work, field trips with connections to practical experiences in adult education. On one day, they offered a field trip to the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education.

The Winter School "International and Comparative Studies for Students and Practitioners in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning", took place from 4 until 15 February 2019 in Würzburg. 5 students from the Delhi University joined the programme.
On 13 February Dr. Vandana Sisodia held a guest lecture on the topic "Reaffirming environmental adult education in the global world". Dr. Rahul Yadav held a guest lecture on the topic "Skill development in India".
Prof. Narayan Prakash from Delhi University in New Delhi, India attended the International Winter School "Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning" and the ASEM-Konference "Lifelong Learning Policies & Adult Education Professionals: Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europe and Asia" in Würzburg in february 2018.

Within the project "Adult and Lifelong Education: Indian and German Insights" four students from the Delhi University attended - accomponied from Prof. Prakash - the international Winter School "Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning" in Würzburg.
In September 2017 the International Autumn School at University Delhi in India took place. Approx. 45 Master students and doctoral candidates of University Delhi, Helmut-Schmidt Universität Hamburg, Universität Dhaka in Bangladesh and from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg attended the Autumn School. Various lectures, workshops and group works around Adult Education of marginalised groupsin India and excursions to local organisations have been part of the program.
Another Master student of Education with Adult Education/Continuing Education as her major field of study traveled to Delhi, India, in August and September. Varies seminars and lectures at the University of Delhi had been part of this study stay. IIALE regularly offered a platform to exchange research and also organizes various excursions to educational institutions at Delhi.
In April 2017, two Master students of Education from the University of Würzburg had the opportunity to attend the University of Delhi for one month with a scholarship as part of the program. The students participated in various workshops, seminars and excursions.
"We are very glad that we had the chance to come to India and the Delhi University. In our many talks with the students from the master program here at the university we learned the most about the culture and the minds of the Indian people. Talking about the differences and similarities could broaden our horizon. To be part of the everyday life and society here in Delhi helped us to understand the culture very much. We were impressed by the hospitality and the helpfulness of every Indian person we talked to and we made good friends here with whom we will stay in contact after we return to Germany." (Master’s student, degree program Education, University of Würzburg)
In February 2017, sixteen Indian students from the University of Delhi and other universities accompanied by Prof. Dixit of the University of Delhi attended the Winter School ‘Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong Learning’ at Würzburg as part of the two programs ‘Adult and Lifelong Education: Indian and German Insights’ and ‘A New Passage to India’.
In October 2016, Prof. Regina Egetenmeyer, scientific assistants Jenny Fehrenbacher and Stefanie Kröner, and Prof. Sabine Schmidt-Lauff of the Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, visited the University of Delhi and the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education in Delhi, India. During this coordinating trip, further proceedings and details of the project ‘Adult and Lifelong Learning: Indian and European Insights’ were discussed.