The Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education kindly invites to the workshop " The Importance of Retrospective in Policy Analysis: Revisiting the European Grundtvig Programme to discover its Roles and Impacts on Adult Learning and Education (2000-2013)" which takes place on October 13th 2021 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (CET).
The Workshop will take place in a hybrid modus. You can either join digitally or face-to-face. Please note in your registration, if you intend to participate virtually or on-campus.
Civil Society and Adult Education - Traditions, practices and shaping a „new normal“ (28. May 2021)
University of Würzburg, together with International Council for Adult Education, aims the exploration of the role of civil society in adult learning in education, taking a closer look at different contexts, challenges and restrictions current crises imposes on civil society, and its potential to help shaping “new normal” aligned with the human rights commitments and principles of justice and equity.
Registration (until May 22, 2021):
Venue: Zoom (By participating, you agree that the workshop may be recorded. The recordings are used for academic and research purposes only.)
09:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (CET)
Opening Remarks
Regina Egetenmeyer, Professor at University of Würzburg
Roberto J. Guevara, ICAE President
What is Civil Society?
Origin, emergence, transformations and the current role of civil society
Christophe Aguiton, Professor at Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée,
Researcher at Orange Labs , founder of Attac France, Paris
Katarina Popović Professor at University of Belgrade and
DAAD Visting Professor at University of Würzburg, ICAE Secretary General
Modern civil society and adult education – a fight in a global spaces
David Archer, Head of Participation and Public Services at ActionAid,
Board member of the Global Campaign for Education
Ricarda Motschilnig, Policy and Advocacy Officer, ICAE
2:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m. (CET)
What does Civil society mean around the world?
Civil society - the main pillar of adult learning and education in Asian context
The Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education
Civil society – a recognised partner in adult learning and education in Sweden and Nordic countries
Cecilia Palm, Secretary General of Folkuniversitetet, Stockholm, ICAE Executive Committee Member
Closing Remarks
Katarina Popović, Professor at University of Belgrade and DAAD Visting Professor at University of Würzburg, ICAE Secretary General
See also the flyer/poster.
The workshop is funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with means of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Note for Würzburg students: The workshop will be listed as part of the GSiK curriculum.
Is there still room for emancipatory adult learning and education? - Discussing a promising idea facing several challenges
The Professorship of Adult Education (University Würzburg, Germany) is pleased to invite you to an international workshop presented by Prof. Dr. Paula Guimarães (Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal/DAAD Guest Professor at University Würzburg). The workshop will explore social emancipation as a relevant idea for adult education.
Registration (until Oct 25):
Venue: Zoom (By participating, you agree that the workshop may be recorded. The recordings are used for academic and research purposes only.)
10:00 a.m. - 12.30 noon (CET)
Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer, University of Würzburg
How can emancipation be understood?
- Looking at Paulo Freire‘s contribution
Prof. Dr. Licínio C. Lima, University of Minho, Portugal - Looking at Jacques Rancière‘s contribution
Prof. Dr. Danny Wildemeersch, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
1:30 - 4:00 p.m. (CET)
What does emancipation mean regarding adult learning and education?
- Adult learning and education: Insights on citizens‘ emancipation and engagement
Prof. Dr. Marcella Milana, University of Verona, Italy - Women, emancipation and empowerment: An insight into adult education in India
Dr. Stefanie Kröner, University of Würzburg
Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Paula Guimarães, University of Lisbon/DAAD Guest Professor at University of Würzburg
See also the flyer/poster.
The workshop is funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with means of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Note for Würzburg students: The workshop will be listed as part of the GSiK curriculum.
ICAE (International Council for Adult Education) workshop with international experts at the Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Würzburg:
- Sir Alan Tuckett, was for 23 years the CEO of the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education in England and Wales. He was President of ICAE from 2011-2015. He is Professor of Education at the University of Wolverhampton (DAAD visiting professor and initiator of the workshop),
- Sturla Bjerkaker, has a long standing involvement in international advocacy. He was first elected to the ICAE Board in 1998, and he played a key role in its rejuvenation of ICAE after 2000 culminating in a period as Treasurer from 2011-2015. He also served as vice President of EAEA. In his professional life he led the Nordic Folk High School Academy, and was General Secretary of VOFO, the Norwegian Association for Adult Learning,
- Mats Ehn, has worked for the Swedish folk high school organisations, leading their international co-operation work. Mats played a key role in the 2011 World Assembly of ICAE. He is a member of the Board of Nordic Folk High School Council and of ICAE,
- Ricarda Motschilnig, is the Policy Officer of the ICAE, and previously worked in a similar role in the European Association for the Education of Adults,
- Niamh O'Reilly, is CEO of AONTAS, the Irish National Adult Learning Organisation, and was an Executive Board member of the EAEA (2011-2017). AONTAS is a member of ICAE,
- Katarina Popovic, is general Secretary of ICAE and Professor of Adult Education at the University of Belgrade. Before taking on the leadership of ICAE in 2014, Katarina was a member of the EAEA Board, worked with DVV-International, and led Serbia’s adult education association.
This workshop will explore the origins, development and current role of the International Council for Adult Education in supporting the right of adults to education, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The International Council for Adult Education is the global membership body for adult education associations, is recognised by UNESCO as “the international voice” of adult education, and has associate status at the YN’s ECOSOC.
The seminar is led by Professor Sir Alan Tuckett, who is Past President of ICAE, with contributions from its General Secretary Professor Katarina Popovic, and her colleague Ricarda Moschling, as well as from regional and national experts with experience of its work. The participants – who will mainly be students – should gain a deep insight into the role of adult education advocacy in international policy development processes. For graduates in adult education it is critically important to understand the linkage between local activities and global developments. The workshop is linked with the seminar “The role of adult learning and education in the different perspectives on lifelong learning offered by UNESCO, OECD and the European Union”, which Prof. Sir Alan Tuckett leads for Master students in adult education.
See also our flyer.
Read the summarizing blog of Niamh O'Reilly, click here.
Im KOPROF-Projekt 'Konturen der Professionsentwicklung in der beruflichen Weitebildung' wurden in verschiedenen Einrichtungen der beruflichen Weiterbildung Interviews, Befragungen und Gruppendiskussionen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde umfangreiches Datenmaterial zu den aktuellen Tätigkeitsfeldern und professionellen Strukturen innerhalb dieser Einrichtungen erhoben, analysiert und mit der aktuellen Professionalisierungdebatte in der beruflichen Weiterbildung verknüpft. Am 7.6.2018 hat der KOPROF- Praxisworkshop stattgefunden, um zu Projektende die Ergebnisse zu präsentieren und einen Austausch über die Professionalisierung in der Weiterbildung zu ermöglichen.
Für weitere Informationen:

Am 16. und 17. Februar 2018 fand an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg die Internationale Konferenz "Lifelong Learning Policies and Adult Education Professionals Contextual and Cross-Contextual Comparisons between Europa and Asia" statt. Inhaltlich lag der Schwerpunkt bei dieser Konferenz besonders auf der international-komparativen Perspektive hinsichtlich Fragen des Lebenslangen Lernens, kulturelle und strukturale Paradigmen des Phänomens und der Professionalisierung in der Erwachsenenbildung auf der Meso- und Mikroebene.
Für weitere Informationen:

Ziel der ISCAE-Konferenz, vom, 15.02 - 16.02.2017, war es, eine Plattform zu bieten, um Methoden, Ergebnisse und Forschungsstudien in der vergleichenden Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung zu diskutieren.
Dadurch sollte der aktuelle Stand der Forschung dokumentiert und weiterentwickelt werden.
Die 6. ISCAE-Konferenz hatte den Schwerpunkt auf methodische Fragen in der vergleichenden Erwachsenenbildung gelegt.
Für weitere Informationen: