
Guide: Dr. Marion Fleige. Abteilungsleiterin für Programme und Beteiligung, DIE (Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung Leibniz-Zentrum für Lebenslanges Lernen e.V., Bonn)
On May 21st, the Professorship of Adult and Continuing Education offers the workshop Programme analysis as research approach in the multi-level system of adult and continuing education. The research approach of program analysis and its research instruments make it possible to verify in detail the differentiation and prioritisation in the programme areas of adult and continuing education. During the workshop, a theoretical, terminological, and methodological base will be presented. There's a possibility to discuss features of database driven longitudinal or cross sections, as well as keyword searches. Different excercises regarding programme analysis will be implemented.
Registration is possible until April 30th 2019 through

Guide: Prof. Dr. Aiga von Hippel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
On the 5th of April 2019, the Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education offers the workshop Encode qualitative data - A workshop regarding qualitative-empirical research methods. Encoding is a main part of evaluation processes. In the workshop, fundamental apects of encoding will be presented and insights in different types of encoding (qualitative content analysis, Grounded Theory) will be given. Connections to the qualitative typification will be discussed.
Doctoral students are warmly invited to bring in their own empirical data to work on it together. Registration is possible until 15th March 2019 through
Guide: Prof. D. Joachim Ludwig, Universität Potsdam, 1.-2.12.2016
The workshop offers an introduction to the hermeneutical-reconstructive research design of case studies. Central challenges and outputs will be discussed and deepened with the help of empirical examples. The workshop is offered for PhD students, who work with this approach. Participants can bring their own empirical data to work on it together.
Date and setting: September 27th, 2016, Public Lecture: 09-12 h, Workshop: 13-16 h, Campus Hubland Nord, Josef-Martin-Weg 52, Room 52.02.111, 2nd Floor
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Esther Oliver University of Barcelona, Spain
Subject matter:
- introduction to the qualitative methodology of the Critical Communicative Method
- reflection of the dialogic relation between scientist and social actor
- analysis of qualitative-communicative data
- discussion of the method and its potential for social and political transformation
- adaption of the methodology to adult education and professionalisation
Please register until September 1st 2016 through
27.-28.6. 2016
During the workshop, the method of interviewing experts will be worked on and implemented. The workshop is offered for PhD students of different faculties who already use this method or want to start using it.
Guide: Prof. Dr. Olaf Dörner, Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg
The Workshop is offered by the Professorship of Adult and Continuing Education in cooperation with the programme by the Graduate School of Humanities.