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  • [Translate to Englisch:] Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der International Winter School 2018 an der Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung der Universität Würzburg
Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education


Study of Adult and Continuing Education

Adult and Continuing Education is a field of work, which has gained significance over the last years for pedagogues holding an academic degree. This development is supported by (international) demand for realization of lifelong learning, a knowledge-based society, the development of information and communication technology as well as demographic change. The census of the Continuing Education register indicates 16,841 providers of Continuing Education in Germany who have provided Adult and Continuing Education in 2008 (Dietrich/Schade/Behrensdorf 2008).

The Professorship of Adult and Continuing Education offers courses with focus on Adult and Continuing Education for the bachelor’s degree and Master of Education. This involves questions regarding educational areas of responsibility, educational guidance and educational management. The most important element of our science is the mediation of reflective faculty and analytical skills based on educational understandings. This means, that the development of scientific texts and their critical analysis is only the first step in the academic offerings. The second step is to use educational understandings for the analysis and reflection (adult-) educational contexts and situations. Discussions with practitioners of various educational fields of work, research and excursions are hence part of our academic offerings. Furthermore, adult educational understandings are placed in international relation. For the purpose, internationally renowned experts on Adult and Continuing Education are invited to Würzburg on a regular base.

You can find all courses and events offered by the Professorship of Adult and Continuing Education in the online course-catalogue of the University of Würzburg:
(From summer term 2019 on, the desired term has to be chosen on the WueStudy page.)