Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der International Winter School 2018 an der Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung der Universität Würzburg
Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education


„Mentoring-to-Teach“ is a successful teaching project that was developed at Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. In the centre of the teaching project is the analysis of adult education teaching situations against the background of didactical approaches in adult and continuing education.

The module 06-PÄD-HL (ASPO 2015) includes one seminar in the winter term and during the summer term a seminar and one Mentoring.

  1. In the seminar at the university (“Didaktisches Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung”) we will discuss didactical theories in adult education.
  2. During the winter term, one should independently ask an adult education institution for mentoring. There should be three mentoring meetings. At the first meeting, the student should accompany their mentor during the preparation for the continuing education lesson. At the second meeting, the student should observe the previous planes lesson and at the third meeting, the student should reflect together with the teacher about the lesson. The student should have the theoretical information against the background they will reflect the Praxis.
  3. During the summer term there will be a weekend course in which the focus will be on critical reflection of didactical principles by means of the practical experiences made by the students at their adult education Institution.

For the credits, the student has to do a presentation (ca. 15-30 minutes) and write a report (10-15 pages) (ASPO 2015).

One can register for the seminars online over WueStudy.