Deutsch Intern
  • [Translate to Englisch:] Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der International Winter School 2018 an der Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung der Universität Würzburg
Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education

Jennifer Danquah M.A.

Dissertation topic:

Rassismuskritische Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung 


Research and working focus:
  • Structural discrimination and especially racism research- Intersectionality
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Educational Injustice
  • Didactics and methodology in adult and continuing education

Since 01/05/2022 Ph.D. scholarship holder of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Since 2018  Lecturer on racism-critical education (Germany-wide)
2019-2022 Research assistant in the project Adult Education Academy and teaching in the field of didactics as well as methodology in adult education
2017-2020 Master of Arts Educational Science with focus on international adult education [with distinction], University of Würzburg
2018 Internship at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
2015-2017 Bachelor of Arts in Education with Economics and Business administration, University of Würzburg
2013-2015 Studies in Economics, University of Mannheim
2012-2013 Internship in Kumasi, Ghana
2012 Abitur at the Dante-Gymnasium, Munich


  • WiSe 22/23 Rassismuskritische Perspektiven auf Bildung, Lectureship at the University Hamburg (Master)
  • SoSe 22 Rassismuskritische Perspektiven auf (außer-)schulische Bildungsarbeit, Lectureship at the University Duisburg-Essen (Lehramt)
  • SoSe 20-WiSe 21/22 Pädagogisch-didaktisches Handeln in Handlungsfeldern lebenslangen Lernens (Mentoring to Teach), University Würzburg (Bachelor)
  • SoSe 21 Rassismuskritische Perspektiven auf (außer-)schulische Bildungsarbeit, Technical University Darmstadt (Lehramt)
  • SoSe 21 Tutorium: Pädagogische Aufgabenfelder und Institutionen lebenslangen Lernens, University Würzburg (Bachelor)
  • WiSe 19/20 & WiSe 20/21 Adult Education Academy: International and Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (mit Seminar, English), University Würzburg (Master)
  • WiSe 19/20 Vorbereitungsseminar für die internationale Adult Education Academy (Englisch), University Würzburg (Master)
  • WiSe 18/19-SoSe 20 Stark für den nächsten Tag - Empowerment für von Rassismus betroffene Menschen, Lectureship at the University Würzburg (Cross-curricular/semester)
  • WiSe 18/19 Pädagogische Aufgabenfelder und Institutionen lebenslangen Lernens Teil 1, Lectureship at the University  Würzburg (Bachelor)

  • PhD scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • Bachelor and Master Scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation
  • DAAD Summer School Scholarship in Lagos, Nigeria

  • Member of the steering group "Diversity" of the University of Würzburg
  • Member of the Africa Centre of the University of Würzburg
  • Member of the SWANS initiative for highly qualified women* of colour
  • Mentor at ApplicAid
  • Associate member of the German Society for Educational Science e.V.

  • 09/2024–12/2024 Research stay (IVGS program) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education, University of Toronto, Canada (Supervisor: Prof. Kiran Mirchandani).
  • 08/2019 DAAD Summer School at the University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • 01-07/2019 Semester abroad at Aarhus University, Copenhagen Campus, Denmark
  • 08/2012-03/2013 Internship in Ghana

Books and Editorship

  • Danquah, J.; Heinemann, A. M. B.; Sprung, A. (Hrsg.) (special issue in preparation): Guest editor "Migration and Adult Education. Intersectional and international Perspectives". In: ZfW Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (Journal for Adult Education), 1/2026. Springerlink. Call for Papers (Submission deadline: Abstract 15/07/25, Fulll paper 22/09/25).
  • Danquah, J. (2023): Die öffentliche Bibliothek als rassismuskritischer Lernort für Erwachsene. Mit einem Vorwort von Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (= Reihe Diversität in der Sozialen Arbeit). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.

Journal Articles, Anthology Contributions & Handbook Chapters


  • *Danquah, J.; Egetenmeyer, R. (2024): Machtvolle Verwicklungen ent-wickeln: Prinzipien rassismuskritischer Organisationsentwicklung in Bildungseinrichtungen. In: Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung. Online-First. DOI: 
  • *Danquah, J.; Egetenmeyer, R. (im Reviewprozess): ‘For all, by all, with all’: Directors and programme planners as co-creators of racism-critical organisational development in adult education. A case study at the German Volkshochschule.
  • Heinemann, A.; Danquah, J. (eingereicht): Erwachsenenbildung. Migrationsforschung in der Erwachsenenbildung. in: Diehm, I.; Hummrich, M.; Meseth, W.; Putjata, G.: Handbuch Erziehungswissenschaftliche Migrationsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Danquah, J.; Beu, V.; Egetenemeyer, R. (2023): Internationalisation in Higher Education – A virtual Adult Education Academy in Times of COVID-19. In: Boffo, V.; Egetenmeyer, R. (Hrsg.): Re-thinking Adult Education Research. Beyond the Pandemic. University Florence Press: Florenz. S. 81-93. DOI: 
  • Danquah, J.; Kröner, S.; Egetenmeyer, R. (2020): Internationale Erwachsenenbildung in verwobenen Welten: Die Winter School der Universität Würzburg. In: Erwachsenenbildung, vol. 66 (2), S. 82-83.

*with abstract review


  • *Danquah, J. (2025, upcoming): Racism-Critical Change in Adult Education Centers: A Multi-Level Perspective from Germany (Vortrag) [May 2025], ESREA Migration, Transnationalism and Racisms Network Confernece on Navigating Uncertainty:  Migration and Anti-Democratic Challenges TodayUniversity of Graz, Austria.
  • *Danquah, J. (2024): “Education for, by and with all”: Organizational development strategies against racism at the German Volkshochschule (Virtual Session) [08.10.24], American Association for Adult and Continuing Education 2024 Annual Conference "Creating new trajectories for adult education" [08.10.24], Reno, USA/virtual. 
  • *Danquah, J. (2024): Rethinking the Mold: Exploring racism-critical organisational development strategies at the German Volkshochschule (Vortrag), Teil der Arbeitsgruppe "Creating spaces for change: Reframing migration-related challenges in adult education" (Jasmin Dazer, Taiwo Isaac Olatunji), Jahreskongress der DGfE "Transformation und Krisen" [12.03.24], Halle.
  • *Danquah, J. (2024): Moderation der Arbeitsgruppe Transformation(en) und Solidarität? (Emily Schweizer-Martin, Joana Rieger, Melissa Silva, Saman A. Sabarai), Jahreskongress der DGfE "Transformation und Krisen" [13.03.24], Halle.
  • *Danquah, J. (2024): „Für alle, von allen, mit allen“ – Volkshochschule im Fokus rassismuskritischer Perspektiven (Vortrag), Teil des Panels "Perspektiven auf rassismuskritische Organisationsentwicklung unter Berücksichtigung der Lebensspanne" (Greta Saftig, Julia Friedrich, Monique Ritter) Sektion Organisationspädagogik (DGfE) "Organisation und (Un-)Gerechtigkeit" [29.02.24], HTW Saar, Saarbrücken.
  • Danquah, J. (2021): Rassismuskritik im Kontext (außer-)schulischer Bildungsarbeit (Diskurswerkstatt), Tagung Rassismuskritischer Fremdsprachenunterricht, Universität Jena. (auf Einladung)

Poster presentations

  • *Danquah, J. (2024): Leadership for Change: Anti-Racist Organizational Development in Adult Education – A Case Study from Germany (Posterpräsentation) [09.11.24], Nina Bascia Education Policy Symposium, University of Toronto, Kanada.
  • *Danquah, J. (2023): Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten rassismuskritischer Organisationsentwicklung in der Erwachsenenbildung (Posterpräsentation & Posterslam) [12.9.23], DGfE-Sektionstagung Erwachsenenbildung, LMU München. - Posterpreis gewonnen
  • *Danquah, J. (2023,): Racism-critical organisational development in adult education (Posterpräsentation), EXPO Research 2023, Universiät Padua.


Danquah, J. (2024): Change against racism through and within adult education organizations - A theoretical framework. (Lecture) [28.11.24], during the course taught by Prof. Hye-Su Kuk: Critical perspectives on organizational change, University of Toronto, Canada.

Danquah, J. (2024): (Un-)Raveling power structures. Strategies against racism in German adult education organizations. (Lecture) [14.11.24], Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada.

Reading and Discussion with  Prof. Natasha A. Kelly on the topic: Black. German. Female. (Moderation), GSiK & Würzburg Weeks Aganinst Racism.


Weekend Lounge on Adult Education (Lecture), University of Hamburg

Ceremonial Event, 10th Aniversary of the Adult Education Academy (Moderation in English), Universität Würzburg

Rassismuskritik in Literatur und Bibliotheken (Vortrag), Ringvorlesung Diversity Welcome, TH Köln

  • Racism-critical perspectives on research and teaching (workshop), HAW Hamburg
  • Feminism for all*? (Keynote) in the context of an event for International Women's Day at the Edith-Stein Gymnasium, Munich
  • Racism - History, Functioning, Dealing with it (lecture), University of Landau in der Pfalz
  • Racism-critical perspectives on school and society (lecture), University of Regensburg
  • Criticism of Racism in the Contaxt of (Extra-)School Educational Work (Discourse Workshop) in the context of the conference Racism-critical Foreign Language Teaching, University of Jena 
  •  Postcolonial perspectives on research and teaching (workshop with Melissa Silva), Teaching Day, University of Würzburg

  •  Who we wanted to be (panel discussion), Petra Kelly Foundation, Munich

  • Opportunities for all! How education becomes fair (panel discussion with Verena Pausder, Sarah-Lee Heinrich and Lisa Graf), Edition F

  • Understanding, recogrecognizing, confronting racism (lecture) as part of the event Violence in Everyday Life of the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation

  •  Let's talk about racism (panel discussion with Vanessa Vu, Minh Thu Tran and Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni), Action New Neighbours of the Archdiocese of Cologne in the Rhine-Bergisch District

  • Racism - A topic, that affects us all (lecture), Volkshochschule Deggendorf

  • "Du Schwarz - Ich weiß" - How can we counter racism? (Lecture) as part of the lecture series Time to listen and learn, Stufa English, Weingarten University of Education.
  • The Colonial Heritage as a Cause for Racist Structures in Germany? (Lecture) as part of the series of events Deconstructing (Neo-)Colonialism, AStA, University of Cologne
  • Sustainably dismantling racism (workshop) in the context of Global Systems and Intercultural Competence, University of Würzburg
  • Racism (Criticism) in Times of Corona (lecture) in the context of a seminar for international scholarship holders of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  • Structural racism (lecture) in the context of the annual conference of the German Football Association (Deutscher Fußball-Bund)
  • Fundamentals of Racism (lecture), Amnesty International Würzburg
  • "Discuss yes! But with whom? How diverse does science communication have to be? "(moderation) in the context of Science in Dialogue of the Forum Wissneschaftskommunikation

  •  Language, images, and racism (lecture) as part of the Let's talk about Racism event series of Caritas RheinBerg

  • Intersectionality - intersections that influence lives (workshop) in the context of Global Systems and Intercultural Competence, University of Würzburg
  • Europe's Border Guards in Africa (workshop) as part of Global Systems and Intercultural Competence, University of Würzburg.
  • "Vom kolonialen Erbe zum (Alltags-)Rassismus" (Lecture with Melissa Silva) as part of the lecture series Sind wir noch zu retten- Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit, University of Würzburg


  • My scientific poster and poster slam won 2nd place at the 2023 Adult Education Section Conference; the wbv publishing house reports here, , and the Chair for Adult Education/Continuing Education reports here.
  • Diversity Day at Sky: A summary of the panel discussion can be found here.
  • Der einblick reports on my master's thesis, published by Beltz Verlag.
2022 Discussion round: Culture of online debates with Chan-jo Jun and Gerald Hüther, Mainpost (Summary), Mainpost (Announcement)


  • 2020-2022 Core organisational team of the annual Adult Education Academy, University of Würzburg