Deutsch Intern
Adult Education Academy

Adult Education Academy 2015

2nd Adult Education Academy

International Adult Education Academy

Comparative Studies on Adult and Lifelong Learning

28 January - 6 February 2015 in Würzburg/Bavaria, Germany

The international Adult Education Academy ‘Comparative Studies on Adult and Lifelong Learning’ is dedicated to analysing and comparing international and European strategies in Lifelong Learning. Based on social policy models, Lifelong Learning strategies in Europe, including selected European countries, will be subjected to a critical analysis. Furthermore, subtopics of Lifelong Learning have been chosen (e.g. participation in adult education in Europa, training the adult learning trainers, quality in adult education) for an in-depth comparison and analysis of the situation in various European countries.

During the first part of the Adult Education Academy, theories and approaches will be used for analysing European and international Lifelong Learning strategies. The programme features direct interactions with key European stakeholders in Lifelong Learning (e.g. European Association for Adult Education). Furthermore, local providers in adult and continuing education in Würzburg (Academy Frankenwarte, Kolping Academy Würzburg, Continuing Education Center of the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce) will be visited. The interaction will lead to a critical analysis and to a comparison of Lifelong Learning strategies, as well as to a theory-practice reflection on international policies in Lifelong Learning.

During the second part, the Adult Education Academy focuses on the comparison of selected subtopics of Lifelong Learning in selected countries: How does the training of trainers vary in different countries? How does Adult Education participation differ in various European countries? How do quality systems vary in different countries? Which differences and similarities do we find in the policies towards Lifelong Learning in different countries? What conclusions can be drawn out of these differences and similarities?

The Adult Education Academy is geared towards master and doctoral students from European and Asian Universities. Mainly focused are students who are enrolled in study programmes close to Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. We welcome an interdisciplinary approach towards these topics.

Working Programme of the Winter School: