International Workshop

On Monday, 26 and Tuesday, 27 January 2015 Prof. Rajesh of the University of Delhi, India, will hold the international workshop:
The workshop is taking place from 09:00 to 18:00 at the Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude room 1.002 at Hubland Campus Süd.
Prof. Rajesh is Visiting Professor and financed by the programme "A New Passage to India" (DAAD)
Participants of the Adult Education Academy are welcome to visit the international workshop (for free).
What is the Planning?
- To introduce Marginalized Groups in India-socio-educational marginalized groups.
- Focusing their problems pertaining to Lifelong Learning.
- Identifying the gaps and introducing innovations through community Learning Centres introduced in higher education.
- Comparatively analyze some Asian, African and European Experiences.
Suggested Readings:-
- National Report on Education and Employment opportunities in India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.
- Report on Community Learning Centres, University of Delhi, India (2013)
- Community Learning Centres, special journal, Adult Education and Development, Germany.