Group 4: Subjective Didactics - Effects on Own Pedagogic Professional Actions

Subjective Didactics -Effects on Own Pedagogic Professional Actions
Prof. Dr. Inge Schüßler
Dr. Kira Nierobisch
Concetta Tino
The subjective theories of adults with respect to teaching and learning not only impact the own learning behavour and thus also the lifelong learning willingness to learn; they regulate- although implicity- the didactic actions of teachers. As a consequence - so the central discussion topic of the workshop - the reconstruction, i.e. rendering the respective didactic appreciation of teachers of adults visible, provides essential conclusions regarding their own professional pedagogic actions. Basis of the discussion is a small, internal research project executed, assessed and discussed by the participants of the workshop.
Workshop procedure:
A research project at the Ludwigsburg University of Education, which examines the changes to the didactic understanding of students over the course of their studies, forms the starting point of the working group. This was determined with the aid of a so-called vignette test. For this purpose, the students were asked to comment on their perception of teaching and learning and to substantiate their views. These written documents were subsequently made available for assessment. It was possible to analyse the extent at which the interviewed persons differentiate their deliberations professionally and demonstrate them deliberately. The purpose of the working group now is the students’ own contact with a vignette test by raising such vignettes in their home countries through fellow students from adult-pedagogic courses. The analysis is designed to determine pivotal pedagogic and didactic categories and correlate them with theoretical concepts of adult education. The determined categories are eventually discussed and compared country-transcendent in the entire group.
The research-methodological purpose of the working group thus revolves around the following issues:
1. Which categories can be derived from the vignettes in the respective countries?
2. Which professional concept can be deducted from these vignettes?
3. How can these results be substantiated by the adult-peadagogic theory?
4. What is the significance of subjetive theories for teaching and learning with respect to professional peadagogic actions?
5. How do subjective theories regarding didactic correspond with didacitc theories and models?
Preparation for the workshop:
Prior to Winter School, the workshop participants receive a methodical template for the vignette test with the request of asking approx. Five fellow students of their country to complete it in order to record the subjective didactic comprehension of the test persons. These completed forms represent the basis for the own empiric work. In addition, the students write a country report, which provides information regarding the theory and practice of underlying didactic models and learning theories in the respective country.