Breaking Bad Behavior
In the project Breaking Bad Behavior, a concept is developed and empirically evaluated to advance classroom management competencies of preservice teachers in an interdisciplinary collaboration of media pedagogy and Human-Computer-Interaction. Also, a fully immersive classroom is developed and empirically validated.
In the context of this interdisciplinary project "Breaking Bad Behavior", the team from the chair of School Pedagogy developed a concept to advance classroom management competencies of preservice teachers using a cirtual classroom, based on theory. The concept was implemented within an action-oriented educational research approach in school pedagogical studies and evaluated with regards to the achievement of objectives and potential side effects.
The interdisciplinary collaboration was realized by applying a design-based research cycle with consideration of the model of responsive evaluation and also in close connection to the HCI-oriented user-centered design processes. In the user-centered design process, the necessary technological developments were advanced by iterative prototypes, considering future users closely, and tested and optimized with regards to general and XR-specific criteria of usability and user experience. This way, a virtual classroom was developed with 24 semi-autonomous avatars and relevant XR impact factors of immersion, presence and embodiment were evaluated.
In 2018, the project won the FraMediale price in the category "Best-practice or future projects with digital media by higher education lecturers".
Report in the JMU EINBLICK magazine [German only]
Project video [German only]
In 2020, Christian Seufert was awarded with the "Lehrpreis der Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften der Universität Würzburg".
Funding: Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Duration: seit 2015

Christian Seufert: Advancing classroom management competencies of preservice teachers using a virtual classroom. Practice and theory-oriented development and evaluation of a concept for higher education.
Prof. Dr. Silke Grafe
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 82
Office Hours: by appointment
![[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Silke Grafe [Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Silke Grafe](/fileadmin/06030500/2020/Uni_Wue_Grafe_komprimiert.jpg)
Christian Seufert

Seufert, C., Oberdörfer, S., Roth, A., Grafe, S., Lugrin, J.-L., & Latoschik, M. E. (2022). Classroom management competency enhancement for student teachers using a fully immersive virtual classroom. Computers & Education, 179, 104410.
Seufert, C. M., & Grafe, S. (2020). Förderung der Klassenführungskompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden unter Verwendung eines virtuellen Klassenzimmers. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 39(Orientierungen), 142–169.
Latoschik, M. E., Lugrin, J.-L., Habel, M., Roth, D., Seufert, C., & Grafe, S. (2016). Breaking Bad Behavior: Immersive Training of Class Room Management. Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 317-318.
Lugrin, J.-L., Latoschik, M., Habel, M., Roth, D., Seufert, C., & Grafe, S. (2016). Breaking Bad Behaviors: A New Tool for Learning Classroom Management Using Virtual Reality. Frontiers in ICT, 3.