Deutsch Intern
Chair of school pedagogy


Overview: Studies in School Pedagogy

The subject of school pedagogy is part of the educational sciences studies within the initial teacher education program.

It includes the following obligatory modules:

  • Foundations of school pedagogy [Grundlagen der Schulpädagogik] (06-Schul-GL) (4 ECTS)
  • Advanced module of school pedagogy [Vertiefungsmodul Schulpädagogik] (06-Schul-VT) (4 ECTS).
  • Accompanying course for the pedagogical-didactical school internship [Begleitveranstaltung zum pädagogisch-didaktischen Schulpraktikum] (06- SchulPDPBV) (2 ECTS)
  • Pedagogical-didactical school internship [Pädagogisch-Didaktisches Schulpraktikum] (06- SchulPDP) (6 ECTS)

Furthermore, the following required elective modules [Wahlpflichtmodule] are offered as subject-specific electives [fachspezifischer freier Bereich]:

  • Current topics in school pedagogy [Aktuelle Themen der Schulpädagogik] (06-Schul-Meth-152-m01) (3 ECTS)
  • Teaching in secondary schools, level I and II [Unterrichten in der Sekundarstufe I und II] (06-Schul-UntSek-152-m01) (3 ECTS)

Further information on the qualification objectives and competencies, contents, types of seminars and exams in school pedagogical modules can be found here:

The content requirements for examinations in school pedagogy can be found here: 

Lehramtsprüfungsordnung I (§ 32 LPO I) as of 13. March 2008 [German].

Guidance for scientific writing at the Chair of School Pedagogy [German]