Research Interests
- Teaching and learning with and about digital media, focus: Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Modeling, measuring and fostering media pedagogical competencies of preservice teachers
- Media pedagogy from an international comparative and interdisciplinary perspective
- Practice- and theory-based development and evaluation of concepts for pedagogical acting
- Action- and development-oriented didactics
Research Projects
2022-2023: Media Literacy Competencies in German, US American and Turkish Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
2020-2023: Connected Teacher Education (CoTeach)
seit 2015: Breaking Bad Behavior
2019-2023: Augmented Reality Interactive Educational System (ARETE)
2019-2021: LehrLernLabore: Enaktiv! Experimentell! Digital! (LEED)
2016-2021: Virtual und Augmented Reality im Fast-Verbund (VARyFAST)
2018-2019: Virtual Situated Teaching and Learning with Avatars and Agents in Social Cyberspace (ViLeArn)
2017-2019: Initial Teacher Education Lab (ITELab)
2017-2018: Triseum Pilot Evaluation
2013-2015: Modeling and Measuring Media Pedagogical Competencies (M³K)