  • Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der International Winter School 2018 an der Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung der Universität Würzburg
Professur für Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung

Save the date for the Adult Education Academy 2024

Datum: 05.02.2024 - 16.02.2024

Save the date for the 11th Adult Education Academy in February 2024!

5.-16. February 2024

Since 2014, the Adult Education Academy (AEA) takes place at the University of Würzburg in Bavaria, Germany, in the first two weeks of February. The AEA promotes international networks in adult education and lifelong learning, aiming to foster a connection between academic learning and the field of adult education.

During the intensive programme of two weeks, analytical and comparative skills in adult education are being trained in an international environment. An understanding of internationally relevant educational policies in the context of lifelong learning is provided, while communication, teambuilding skills and critical thinking are strengthened by working together in this international setting.

To get the latest information, have a look at the Adult Education Academy website.
