  • Studierende vor dem Zentralen Hörsaal und Seminargebäude (Z6) am Hubland Süd-Campus
  • Menschen am Main mit Blick auf die alte Mainbrücke, das Käppele und die Festung Marienberg.
Institut für Pädagogik

Double Degree Option


This double degree option is still in preparation with regard to updating the content and the study plan.

Currently, the Double Degree  with the University of Padua (Double Degree in Management of Educational Services, Adult and Continuing Education) is set to be finalised and signed by mid-March 2025. This will build upon our successful collaboration within the Master's in Educational Sciences. Further details about the double-degree wih the University of Padua will be available soon.

We anticipate presenting additional double-degree options by autumn 2025.

Double Degree Program with the University of Padua

For the double-degree program with the University of Padua, you will study at the University of Würzburg during the first semester, at the University of Padua during the second semester, and at the University of Würzburg during the third semester. The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master Thesis.

Appliation: Students who are enrolled at the University of Würzburg will decide by the end of October if they study the double-degree scheme.

The Double-Degree study plan is based on the Master Programme in Adult Education and Management in Lifelong Education. For the double-degree programme with the University of Padua it is necessary to follow the study plan below.


First Semester at the University of Würzburg (mid of October until mid of February)

Modules of the 1. Term 

  • Lifelong learning: international perspectives and policies (5 ECTS)
  • International-comparative research in adult and continuing education (15 ECTS)
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Theories and societal framework in adult and continuing education (10 ECTS)

Second Semester at the University of Padua (mid of February until June)

 Modules of the 2. Term 

  • Methodologies and strategies for adult teaching and learning (comune) (6 ECTS)
  • Global Cultural Pluralism in Organizations (comune) (9 ECTS)
  • Foundations of coaching for organizational effectiveness  (6 ECTS)

Selection of one of two courses:

  • Education for Inclusive Employability and Well-Being in Work Life (9 ECTS)


  • Personnel Selection in Organization and Employee Performance: Challenges and Opportunities (9 ECTS)

Third Semester at the University of Würzburg (mid of October until mid of February)

Modules of the 3. Term

  • Working fields and professional acting in adult and continuing education (10 ECTS)
  • Media education in an international perspective (5 ECTS)
  • International Learning Project (10 ECTS)

Selection of one of three courses: 

  • Educational Management A (5 ECTS)


  • Cross-cultural management for master students (5 ECTS)


  • Cultural heritage and cultural policy (5 ECTS)

Fourth Semester at University of Würzburg or Padua

Master Thesis

Possible areas

General education
Empirical educational research
(International) adult education/continuing education

Study Schedule

Please click on the graphic to go to the study schedule.

Study Regulations

Please click on the graphic to go to the study regulations.