Prof. Dr. Silke Grafe

Silke Grafe is a Professor of Education and Chair of School Pedagogy at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU). She is head of the Media Education and Educational Technology Lab MEET@JMU and of the Competence Center for Digital Teaching and Learning at JMU. Her research interests include teaching and learning with and about digital media in an international and interdisciplinary perspective.
Website: Prof. Silke Grafe
- Teaching and learning with and about digital media with particular regard to virtual and augmented reality
- Modeling, measuring and fostering media pedagogical competences of pre-service teachers
- Media education in an international and interdisciplinary perspective
- Action- and development oriented didactics
- Media Literacy Education in an International Perspective
- Tiede, J., Förster, K., Grafe, S., & Mangina, E. (2023). Augmented Reality in Primary Education: Teachers’ Perspectives on Potential and Barriers. Proceedings of 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2023), 1283-1292.
- Foerster, K., & Grafe, S. (2021). ICT-related Educational Competencies of Teacher Educators from an Intercultural Perspective. A Systematic Analysis of Competency Frameworks. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Hrsg.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2021 (S. 1586-1595). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Ripka, G., Grafe, S., & Latoschik, M. E. (2021). Mapping pre-service teachers’ TPACK development using a social virtual reality and a video-conferencing system. In T. Bastiaens (Hrsg.), Proceedings of Innovate Learning Summit 2021 (S. 145-159). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Egetenmeyer, R., Lechner, R., Treusch, N., & Grafe, S. (2020). Dimensions for successful digitalisation and mediatisation in adult and continuing education: Initial empirical findings on institutional andorganisational contexts. In J. P. Egan (Hrsg.), Adult Education in Global Times. An International Research Conference. 4.-7. June 2020. Online-Proceedings (S. 178-186). University of British Colombia.
- Tulodziecki, G., & Grafe, S. (2019). Media Literacy in Germany. In: Hobbs, R., Mihailidis, P. (Eds.) (2019): International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118978238.ieml0113.