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Institut für Pädagogik

Englischsprachige Module im Hybridmodus

Alle hier gelisteten Veranstaltungen finden im synchron-hybriden, self-directed und/oder blended learning Modus statt, womit eine zeitliche und örtliche Flexibilität verbunden werden können.

Bitte finden Sie hier eine kurze Beschreibung der drei Modi.

Synchron-hybrider Modus

Die Veranstaltung findet zeitgleich (synchron) in Präsenz am Campus in Würzburg und via Zoom statt. 

Self-directed Modus

Seminarinhalte werden außerhalb der Veranstaltung selbstständig be- und erarbeitet.

Blended learning Modus

Die synchron-hybride Durchführung der Veranstaltung wird durch Online-Lern-Phasen ergänzt.

Durch das Angebot der englischsprachigen Module im Hybridmodus haben die Sie Möglichkeit einzelne Module für ein Modulstudium angerechnet zu bekommen, ohne dass der gesamte Masterstudiengang studiert werden muss. Die Veranstaltungen richten sich daher an (internationale) Studierende des Masters Bildungswissenschaft, des Double Degree Programms sowie an Praktiker*innen im Feld der Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung.

Modul 06-BW-VEW: International-Comparative Adult and Continuing Education

Veranstaltungstitel Vorbereitungsseminar für die Adult Education Academy
Beschreibung The seminar equips students who want to engage in the Adult Education Academy with preliminaries with a regard to contents of the programme. The preparation consists of the reading and the discussion of central texts. It supports the students in acquiring academic English skills as well as in writing the national reports that are essential requirement for the Adult Education Academy “Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong Learning” that takes place in Würzburg in February each year.
Datum und Uhrzeit


15.10.2024 – 17.12.2024
9:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Modus synchron-hybride Sitzungen und asynchrone Selbstlernphasen
ECTS 10-15
Dozierende/r Prof. Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer

Veranstaltungstitel Adult Education Academy: Comparative Studies in Adult and Lifelong Learning
Beschreibung In the Adult Education Academy on International and Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, students and professors from different international universities will work together to develop and compare international strategies for lifelong learning. During the Adult Education Academy, you will have the opportunity to work with experts in lifelong learning and with fellow students from different countries.
Datum und Uhrzeit

Montag bis Freitags

03.02. – 14.02.2025
9:00 – 17:00 Uhr täglich

Modus synchron-hybride Sitzungen
ECTS 10-15
Dozierende/r Professors and lecturers from European and international universities

Modul 06-BW-BMint/S1: Educational Management

Veranstaltungstitel Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Human Development
Beschreibung This course introduces students to a theoretical discussion on the importance of VET in the so called ‘knowledge society’. Training the workforce has always been a national political aim and a company concern. However, the profound changes that have occurred at economic, technological and demographic levels, among others, have contributed to the growing importance of skills formation and development worldwide. The VET designation encompasses a huge variety of education and training modalities. In this course, the study of VET focuses on the provisions of initial VET included in educational systems, and on the continuing VET developed by companies. If the first is aimed at training the future workforce, the second is targeted at workers already in the labour market.  The course is design in order to provide students with theoretical tools to critically analyse the arguments that legitimize VET national policies and in company practices and to discuss the role of initial VET in the Europeanisation process.  During the course, students will analyse and compare different European initial VET systems in order to understand their structures, functions, effects and their relations with the variety of capitalism in European countries. A similar methodological strategy will be used for the study of in-company VET.
Datum und Uhrzeit


16.10.2024 - 29.01.2025
10:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Modus synchron-hybride Sitzungen
Dozierende/r Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mar Joanpere

Modul 06-BW-REW: Contexts and Theories in Adult and Continuing Education

Veranstaltungstitel Adult Learning and Teaching
Beschreibung In the course, participants gain an insight into the basics of learning and teaching in adult education (ALE), considering international perspectives. First, the basics of the field of adult education (e.g. structures, domains, learners) and theoretical perspectives and the specifics of adult learning will be addressed. This is followed by an exploration of theoretical perspectives on the design of teaching and learning settings (didactics) in adult learning and education. For this purpose, we deal with selected theoretical didactic perspectives. In a next step we try to transfer the theoretical perspectives to the planning and design of concrete teaching and learning settings. Finally, we look at the influence of digitalisation on the design of teaching and learning settings. We take a look at different media-based teaching formats and digital media and see how we can design teaching and learning settings with their help.
Datum und Uhrzeit


17.10.2024 - 19.12.2024
12:00 - 16:00 Uhr 

Modus synchron-hybride Sitzungen und asynchrone Selbstlernphasen


ECTS 5-10
Dozierende/r Dr.'in Lisa Breitschwerdt

Modul 06-BW-LL: Lifelong Learning: International Perspectives and Policies

Veranstaltungstitel Lifelong Learning: international perspectives, policies and experiences

UNESCO has just published the report of the International Commission on the Futures of Education under the title Reimagining our futures together. A new social contract for education. Within the perspective of lifelong learning it looks at the challenges of the future – social and climate justice, peace and sustainable development, migration and integration – and how the different sub-sectors of the education system need to change in the light of digitalization and globalization. The UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL) has published Making Lifelong Learning a Reality: A Handbook. Both books will be made available on the seminar website, in addition to other important documents, many of which derive from global conferences like the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the UNESCO World Conferences on Adult Education called CONFINTEA.
Participants will learn more about international polices and strategies in education, how they are developed and related to national and local implementation. The potential roles of governments, civil society and universities are taken into focus. A special attention is placed on adult and continuing education – the majority of people are adults and for the longest time in life. This calls for improvements in the professionalization and institutionalization of adult education which has been argued for by civil society. Examples of advocacy and experiences from different countries, especially in Europe are analyzed.

Datum und Uhrzeit

Freitags & Samstags

25.10. & 26.10.24
29.11. & 30.11.24
9:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Modus synchron-hybride Sitzungen
Dozierende/r Prof. (H) Dr. Dr. H.c. mult. Heribert Hinzen


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