Deutsch Intern
Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education

DigiTaKS*- Digital key competences for studies and work

The research and development project “Digital key competences for studies and work (DigiTaKS*) - Development of a model for the transformative digital competence development of students” is funded in two phases (2021-2024, 2025-2026) as part of and is located in the OPAL research cluster.

In the context of DigiTaKS*, the development of key digital skills for work and society at the university is examined. Students (also beyond technology-oriented degree programs) are thus addressed as future 'digital change agents'.

You can find a complete project overview here.

The project partners

From 2025-2026, the sub-project AP2 at JMU is dedicated to the digital-didactic research and conceptualization of (international) synchronous-hybrid learning and working spaces for successfully dealing with the increasing diversity of learners in higher education and in adult and continuing education. 

An overview of the project results (2021-2024) of WP2 to date can be found here.

Project team at the JMU

Professorship for Adult Education/Continuing Education

Project management: Prof.'in Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer

Research assistants:

Dr.'in Lisa Breitschwerdt
Christina Hümmer, M.A.

Student assistants:

Fatima Suroji, B.A.

Frank Schenk

We would like to make our wealth of practical experience available in the form of OER for hybrid teaching

The publications in the overall project can be found here

In the subproject at JMU, we have published the following works:

*with review

Journal Articles

*Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C. & Egetenmeyer, R. (2024). Gestaltungsanforderungen hybrider Settings in der Hochschullehre aus der Perspektive von Studierenden. Bildungsforschung. 30(1).

Hümmer, C.; Egetenmeyer, R.; Flecha, R. & Soler, M. (2024). Dialogisches Lehren jenseits von Worten – Forschungsergebnisse zu kommunikativen Handlungen in der hybriden Lehre. Erwachsenenbildung. Vierteljahresschrift für Theorie und Praxis. 70, 02, pp. 68-71.

*Foraster, M. J.; Egetenmeyer, R.; Soler-Gallart, M.; de Aguileta, A. L.; Flecha, R. (2023). Dialogic teaching beyond words. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 13 (3), pp. 313–324. DOI:

Book Chapters

Hümmer, C.; Breitschwerdt, L.; & Egetenmeyer, R. (in preparation). Hybride Lernräume als translokale relationale (An)Ordnungen und ko-kreative Konstrukte. Theoretical approaches to hybrid learning spaces through spatial sociology, communicative constructivism, adult education, and higher education didactics. In Schmidt-Lauff S. (Ed.), (Transformative) Digitale Kompetenzen – Entwicklungen für Hochschule, Studium und Gesellschaft (pp. NN). Wbv.

Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C.; & Egetenmeyer, R. (in preparation). Umsetzung synchron-hybrider Settings an Hochschulen. An experience report on enabling co-creative synchronous-hybrid teaching-learning settings in the university context. In Schmidt-Lauff S. (Ed.), (Transformative) Digitale Kompetenzen – Entwicklungen für Hochschule, Studium und Gesellschaft (pp. NN). Wbv.

Conference Presentations

*Rathmann, M.; Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C. (2025, March 19). Rollen und Subjektwerdung in mediatisierten Lehr-Lern-Settings in der Hochschulbildung. Theoretical approaches and empirical explorations using the example of adult education studies. Presentation at the Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Medienpädagogik 2025 (DGfE), Rostock, Germany.

*Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C. & Egetenmeyer, R. (2024, May 31). Students' perspectives on participation in synchronous-hybrid settings [Presentation]. 54th eucen Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland.

*Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C. & Egetenmeyer, R. (2024, March 13). Perspektiven Studierender auf die Teilnahme an synchron-hybriden Settings. Presentation in the working group "Herausforderungen der Digitalen Welt – Transformationen von Strukturen und Praktiken im Hochschulsystem" at the DGfE-Kongress 2024, Halle, Germany.

*Breitschwerdt, L. (2023, May 18). Media-related beliefs of teachers in adult education [Round table presentation]. EXPO-RESEARCH International Graduate Student Research Forum, Padua, Italy.

Poster Presentations

*Breitschwerdt, L.; Hümmer, C. & Egetenmeyer, R. (2023, September 12). Perspektiven Studierender auf die Teilnahme an synchron-hybriden Lehr-Lern-Settings. Poster presentation at the DGfE-Sektionstagung Erwachsenenbildung, Munich, Germany.

*Hümmer, C. (2023, May 18). Didactic design of synchronous-hybrid teaching in higher education as a cross-level construct [Poster presentation]. EXPO-RESEARCH International Graduate Student Research Forum, Padua, Italy.

*Rathmann, M.; Rosemann, T.; Schiller, J.; Schmidt-Lauff, S.; Schwarz, J.; Miller, M.; Klingner, S.; Schasse de Araujo, B.; Schubert, J.; Breitschwerdt, L.; Egetenmeyer, R.; Hümmer, C.; Curdt, W.; Lowitzki, I.; Schreiber-Barsch, S. (2022, September 15). Erwerb transformativer digitaler Kompetenzen – Eine Längsschnittstudie. Poster presentation at the DGfE-Sektionstagung Erwachsenenbildung, Flensburg, Germany.


Breitschwerdt, L., Hümmer, C., Egetenmeyer, R. (in preparation). Datenmanual zum Projekt Digitale Schlüsselkompetenzen für Studium und Beruf – Entwicklung eines Modells zur trans-formativen digitalen Kompetenzentwicklung Studierender (DigiTaKS*), 2021-2026.

Do you have project-related questions or would you like to contact us?

Please feel free to send us an e-mail: